Pollyana Posts

Pollyana Posts

We find both the tending and the mending here flow along much easier when we encourage and empower one another. For some Pollyanna positivity, check out this collection of inspirational quotes coupled with Chinese medicine wisdom. It’s our hope you’ll feel the loving support and spread these feel-good vibes as you move through your day!

And so it is with the mystical magic of metamorphosis. This type of radical transformation usually happens in humans after extreme emotional experiences. We tend to crash and burn our way through deaths, losses, and betrayals. And just when it seems it’s all been for naught – when the tank’s on empty and we’re wondering how we’ll ever rock this new norm of rock bottom – then something shifts. Somehow, by hanging in there past the point of reason or reasonable hope, we get a second wind. And a second chance emerges. In Chinese medicine, it’s the channels governing digestion that also give us the patience and endurance to keep on keeping on. And so through practicing deep breathing and proper nutrition, we can emerge from our dark night of the soul with a newfound knowing that we’re back and more beautiful than ever before.


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Being overly critical, from a Chinese medicine perspective, is rooted in an out-of-balance lung meridian. Often born of unresolved grief or loss, judging others can make us habitually so nitpicky that people are more than likely walking on eggshells around us. And yet all folks who continually find fault with others are actually even more relentlessly harsh when it comes to themselves. When we are thus judging, we cannot at the same time be feeling love, and so constant criticism is an energy state that depletes and defeats any momentum we are gaining toward a calm, grounded, and balanced state within. By practicing deep breathing, feeling compassion, walking in nature, and affirming, “All is well and unfolding perfectly according to Divine timing”, we can help soften and shape our Inner Critic into a hopeful, helping hand.


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Winning or losing, energetically speaking, comes down to how you perceive what’s happened. Perhaps you don’t cross the finish line first in that 5K, yet you post a personal best time. Or maybe you don’t get the job offer you were expecting, but instead meet a meaningful contact who networks you into your next position. If you cultivate a positive outlook through deep breathing, proper nutrition, nature walks, and the affirmation, “Life is always working out for me”, then in no time it will seem like Lady Luck keeps smiling on you. And no matter what hand you’ve been dealt, you’ll begin to feel like you’re always playing your cards right.


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Standing still for a moment, from a Chinese medicine perspective, can help us become more centered and grounded. Yet standing still for too long invites stagnation, stifling our ability to step forward at all. And so to encourage healthy movement toward goals and dreams, practice deep breathing, walking in nature, stretching, and repeating the affirmation, “I am learning, growing, and gaining momentum every day at a pace that’s perfect for me”.


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