Pollyana Posts
We find both the tending and the mending here flow along much easier when we encourage and empower one another. For some Pollyanna positivity, check out this collection of inspirational quotes coupled with Chinese medicine wisdom. It’s our hope you’ll feel the loving support and spread these feel-good vibes as you move through your day!
In Chinese medicine, it’s believed that “where attention goes, energy follows”. And so if you want to experience more joy, attain more goals, and live more dreams, it’s important to begin each day focused on feeling grateful for all the good in your life. And then go about your day expecting magic and miracles.
From a Chinese medicine perspective, the liver meridian births ideas, while the spleen’s energies ground and sustain creative endeavors through to completion. Yet if there is disharmony between the liver and spleen, we tend to overthink, overplan, and overextend ourselves in over-the-top ways. Which leads us from simplicity to simply chaos. By balancing the liver and spleen through walking in nature, chewing your food thoroughly, and practicing deep belly breathing, you’ll help bring elegance and ease to all that you create.
So many times, we stop ourselves from taking action on our dreams because we don’t have everything figured out. We’ll get an inkling of how to begin working toward a goal, but because we can’t see how it all might come together, we abandon the idea – usually with a frustrated feeling of “what might have been…if only”. Chinese medicine teaches it’s the same channels governing digestion that also bless us with the patience and perseverance to pursue our path one step at a time. By nurturing our digestion with proper nutrition and learning to chew each mouthful thoroughly, we teach ourselves we can similarly “digest life” and move more easily toward our dreams – one mindful bite at a time.
Why do some people relish risk – and others avoid it at all costs? From a Chinese medicine perspective, whether we perceive risk as thrilling or chilling to the core has a lot to do with how balanced our kidney energy is. When the kidney meridian is well aspected, we tend to feel secure at a deep level; from this vantage point, risk looks like a reward waiting to happen instead of imminent danger. By meditating, practicing yoga or Tai Chi, or soaking in Dead Sea salt-infused water, you can nurture your kidney energy and begin to see all the potential instead of the pain that risk can bring.